“S. Thomas’ College. Founded in the Eighteen Hundred & Fifty First year of Our Lord Christ. Instituted for the Glory of God”

The College
S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia is an Anglican Church School, which was founded by the first Bishop of Colombo, the Rt. Rev. James Chapman, D. D. It was his foremost vision to build a College & Cathedral for the new Diocese of Colombo of the Church of Ceylon. Thus on the 3rd of February 1851 the College of St .Thomas the Apostle, Colombo was opened with the objective of training a Christian Clergy and to make Children good citizens under the discipline & supervision of Christianity.
S. Thomas’ College is much more than just a school. It is an institution rich in tradition, characterized by nearly one and a half centuries of hard work, dedication and achievement, all imbibed with the legendary Thomian Spirit. A pioneering institution which has understood and nurtured the very best in youth; where mere boys went in and great men came out to be “men and gentlemen always” men who beat the odds with the legendary “Thomian grit” and gentlemen who upheld the motto of the school – Esto Perpetua!
Esto Perpetua – Pro Deo et Ecclesia
Be Thou forever for God & His Church
The Old Boys Association
The OBA was established in 1986. In its infancy the main event was an annual dance, organised as a joint Royal – Thomian initiative. The OBA is made up of many generations of boys who studied at S Thomas College – Mount Lavinia, Prep School Colpetty, Gurutalawa and Bandarawela. The Association is run by a Committee, which is elected annually. It provides an opportunity for Old Thomians to reminisce and to keep abreast of events in their respective campuses. Its main publication was the annual dance souvenir however with advancements in the techno age that we live in, most of the ‘memoirs’ and reflections of the school can now be found on our website. We have attempted to minimise duplication of material as far as possible and wish to dedicate these virtual pages primarily towards the Sydney chapter of the OBA. However some recollections are far too valuable not to share; currently there are 9 other OBA sites across the globe each doing its part to promote fraternity ties and give back in some way to the school. The NSW branch over the years has donated cricket and rugby equipment, sponsored coaching services, donated books and conducted specialised coaching clinics.
As individuals we all experienced different emotions as we passed through those school gates for the ‘last time’ as young men. One thing however remains the same, the realisation how much we had grown to love our school and we are comforted by the knowledge that our times and experiences there would live in our hearts and minds forever.