Thomian Choir heralds the Advent Season in Sydney. Bishop Gary Koo, reminds us of the “true meaning of Christmas”
Sydney summer weather for November turned to be unusually pleasant creating a whiff of the Christmas mood as the guests gathered for this much anticipated festival of “Nine Lessons and Carols” presented by the S.Thomas’ College Old Boys’ Association of NSW/ACT.
New Committee STC OBA NSW/ACT 2022-2023
It is with great joy and satisfaction that we announce the newly elected OBA committee for the forthcoming period 2022-2023. The new committee was appointed at the AGM concluded on Sunday 30th October 2022.
Feast of the Transfiguration - A Chapel dedicated to this hallowed event
The Chapel of the Transfiguration, of S.Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia towers majestically from the highest hillock of the campus, a silent witness to the thoughts and prayers, the hopes and aspirations of the generations of Thomian schoolboys, who have trodden it’s familiar aisles during its long history of ninety five years to date.
🕺Divertida ! Divertido ! . . . . Fun-filled Fiesta! 💃
It was a cold winter night in Sydney on Saturday June 4th 2022, when the Thomian Mexican Fiesta went off with BIG BANG - like a loud Latin firecracker. The Roselea Community Center was HOT! HOT! HOT! All night long! as we laughed and danced and ‘sang-a-long’.
Brookie was the ninth of 13 children born to Mr. and Mrs. Hector D’Silva. Hector, like Brookie and his brothers, was an Old Thomian. Brookie attended STC as a student from 1927 to 1936 and was a boarder (Miller House) during his final years. He won College Colours in Athletics, Cross Country, Swimming and Water Polo. A Public Schools Shot Put Champion in 1936, he went to become the Ceylon National Javelin Champion and Record Holder.
RoyTho 2022 was “enhancing the atmospherics” – Darrell Lieversz
The 2022 Annual RoyTho Cricket encounter with the traditional three games was held on the 26th January with RCOBA hosting the event at the Punchbowl Ovel. Whilst the full exco of RCOBA and STCOBA joined and participated in planning this event credits go the coordinators of the OBA’s David Selvan and Anuk Silva for their fantastic efforts ‘behind the scene’. We are pleased to publish the following report from Nishan Dias who narrates the action and stories of the day vividly……