Feast of the Transfiguration & its significance to STC


The Chapel of the Transfiguration, of S.Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia towers majestically from the highest hillock of the campus, a silent witness to the thoughts and prayers, the hopes and aspirations of the generations of Thomian schoolboys, who have trodden it’s long familiar aisles during its long history of ninety three years to date. 

The College Chapel was dedicated to the glorious event of the Transfiguration of Christ on 13th February 1927 and we celebrated the 90th anniversary of this event in 2017. In 2018 when College celebrated 100 years at Mount Lavinia it coincided with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Mural of the Transfiguration in the Chapel painted by David Paynter. Special services commemorating the Feast itself are held annually on the 5th and 6th of August.


Here in Sydney STC OBA NSW/ACT decided to replicate this hallowed tradition of celebrating the ‘Feast of the Transfiguration’ in 2017. The inaugural Service was held at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney on 5th August 2017. This event was truly a rare opportunity for the members and well-wishers of the STC OBA in New South Wales and ACT to celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration together with the College Community in Sri Lanka who were celebrating the event at a service of Choral Evensong held at the Chapel of the Transfiguration in Mount Lavinia on the same day.

Warden Rev Marc Billimoria has observed that this event should not only be considered as one of a religious nature, but also an opportunity to strengthen the ties that bind Thomians to each other and to their alma mater as well as an occasion to reminisce on their time at STC.

The celebrant of the inaugural service in 2017, was the Dean of Sydney the Rev’d Kanishka Raffel who very generously paved the way to make the St Andrews Cathedral available for this occasion. In the following years 2018 and 2019 we held the service at All Saints Church Parramatta, where we hold the annual Thomian Carol service. Although we had made arrangements to hold the service this year on Sunday August 2nd, we had no choice but to cancel due to prevailing restrictions to social gatherings.

We are glad to inform you that College celebrated the Feast of the Transfiguration at a Service of Choral Evensong for the Eve of the Feast of The Transfiguration of our Lord, on the evening, 5th August, 2020, in the Chapel of the Transfiguration, S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia.

“Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ Jesus”

                      A Chapel dedicated to this hallowed event

  The Chapel of the Transfiguration, S.Thomas’ College Mt Lavinia - 5th August 2020

Feast of the Transfiguration : Service of Choral Evensong for the Eve of the Feast of The Transfiguration of our Lord, on the evening, 5th August 2020, in the Chapel of the Transfiguration, S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia.

The link to the video recording  https://youtu.be/WbQ2XiYEbow

We hope you enjoy the service sung by the College Choir under the direction of Mr. Asanka S. Perera, Sub-Warden.  The Organist is Mr. Nilhan Warshamanage. The Officiant and Preacher is The Rev’d Marc Billimoria, Warden.


D. S. Jayasekera - the consummate educator


Remembering Frederick Jacob - Patron, STC OBA - NSW / ACT Branch