When ‘King Kari’ came to town
P.L.D. Kariyawasam needs no introduction! Let’s launch straight into that night of fun and frivolity ; reminiscences from Sydney 2011. Click anywhere on image to advance slides, preserved with Thanks to Milroy Berenger.

The following colourful incident never fails to amuse as only Kari can retell. The web team was fortunate enough to capture a written account of this incident by the man himself from a recent email thread. We can only surmise that, Kari’s Battle of The Blues experience was no match for this Battle of the Bottle encounter!
Dear All, Mano was such a livewire in his heyday & it's sad ill health dogged his life for a long period of time . While I was at the home on Horton Place last morning I related to Seyone & a few others an experience I had which demonstrated the mischievous side in him. Mano, Dhare & Co were in the Under16 & I was playing in the First Eleven . In those days whenever free we had go to Small Clubs to assist with fielding practice & do a bit of bowling too . One day Mano said the whole batch was going back home for refreshments followed by dinner & that I was also cordially invited . When we got to that sprawling mansion Shanmugam Villa , Mano proceeded to introduce me to his Dad as the "Master in Charge ". I didn't say a word . That day I happened to be in black slacks , white shirt , black shoes & looked the part . The boys disappeared into various rooms & maybe some went outside to pull a punt . The grand old man made me sit down & then pulled out a brand new triangular bottle I was seeing for the first time . It was a bottle of Dimple Scotch . He put it on the side stool between us & said , Have a drink young man , you are a Master ". Let alone Scotch , even to have a drink of Pol was a luxury those days . My ignorance was clearly evident as he had to open it for me . I was never going to drink that potent stuff without a chaser . Looked around me & spotted a half consumed bottle of Ginger Beer . Promptly topped the glass & took a swig with wishes for his good health . The conversation shifted from discipline , Mano's batting/keeping skills to what I felt would be Mano's future . Gave him a glowing account & the Old Man was visibly pleased . In the meantime the bloody stuff was sending my head into a spin(those days it was hard to take even two shots of Pol) but I kept a steady smile. For some reason , maybe to instruct the kitchen to prepare a bite , he got up from his seat . When he returned he moved to another chair . I naturally then moved to the chair next to him . The bottle remained where it was . After about a further half hour's conversation he strode out somewhere & came back but absent mindedly or whatever , he moved to where he had sat originally & then I too moved . Would you believe it , those ingenious buggers had found a way to smuggle the bottle out & put it back without either of us knowing . One bugger might have feigned some discussion while another did the needful . The bottle now had only about an inch of spirits . Old Man stared at it incredulously & kept shifting his gaze from me to the ravaged bottle . I am sure he would have thought I was an alien. From that point onwards the conversation between us was less than cordial & then he said it was time for him to retire . I waited for the buggers to emerge from various corners & then gave Mano a bellyful . You bugger , you & your cohorts have spoilt my reputation & I will never be welcome in this house again ". Mano replies calmly , "don't worry Kari , by tomorrow he would have forgotten it & you will be most welcome again ". I never took that chance though. Cheers Kari!
Postscript - we are indebted to PLDK for the encouragement and archive material he has shared to enhance our website and in particular the ‘Old Is Gold’ page . Concluding with these cuttings from his scrapbook & Thank You Kari.